The common theme of my five published novels is terrorism and counter-terrorism, a timely and disturbing subject in today’s world. The threats I cover take many forms- bioterrorism in Cabo Caper, cyberwarfare in Killing Time, targeted assassinations in Retribution, radical Islamic Jihadists in Existential Threats, and the threat of a North Korean nuclear EMP (Electromagnetic […]
The Threat of an EMP Attack on our Power Grid
EMP Attacks and the Power Grid Chances are you may have heard the term EMP in the news lately. EMP is the abbreviation for a burst of electromagnetic radiation, or an Electromagnetic Pulse. EMPs may be caused by a natural event from a sunburst or cosmic storm, but they can also be generated by a […]
Can You Cheat a Lie Detector Test?
Is it possible to cheat a polygraph, also known as a lie detector, test ? It’s possible, but it requires intensive training to develop the skill. I touch on this in my latest novel, The Carrington Prophecy. Background: The South Korean Security, N.I.S, an agency patterned after the CIA, has captured a North Korean spy […]
WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction)
Most people think only of nuclear devices or bombs, when Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) are mentioned. But there are other devastating weapons of mass destruction. For example, Anthrax is a bio-terrorism agent and is addressed in my first novel, Cabo Caper. Anthrax is highly contagious and will kill anyone exposed in a very short […]
Coming Soon to a City or Town Near You
– Coming Soon to a City or Town Near You …Do Paris or San Bernardino Ring a Bell? – We’re talking about the threat of homegrown jihadists. My fourth novel, Existential Threats, published last August before those two horrifying and tragic events occurred illustrates the challenges faced by Biff Roberts, a CIA operative tasked to […]
Area 51
Ever hear of Area 51 ? Ever wondered what goes on there ? If you read chapter ten of of my latest novel, The Carrington Prophecy, you’ll get a good idea. Here is a little background: Biff Roberts, CIA’s counter terrorism (CT) director is researching a credible threat of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) sneak attack […]