As I watch the news, there is a constant parade of threats to our country- Some real, some imagined, or hyped, but others represent truly existential dangers to the homeland. And some are threats that I have dramatized in my novels over the past ten years. Maybe coincidence, maybe prescience. Published in the mystery, thriller, […]
Can You Cheat a Lie Detector Test?
Is it possible to cheat a polygraph, also known as a lie detector, test ? It’s possible, but it requires intensive training to develop the skill. I touch on this in my latest novel, The Carrington Prophecy. Background: The South Korean Security, N.I.S, an agency patterned after the CIA, has captured a North Korean spy […]
WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction)
Most people think only of nuclear devices or bombs, when Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) are mentioned. But there are other devastating weapons of mass destruction. For example, Anthrax is a bio-terrorism agent and is addressed in my first novel, Cabo Caper. Anthrax is highly contagious and will kill anyone exposed in a very short […]
On Opening Scenes
Many novels start with a knock on the door, a phone call, or someone setting off on a journey. I prefer to thrust the reader immediately into the opening scene. Catch their attention. Make them wonder what’s going on – but more importantly, what’s going to happen next? Every action has a reaction, followed by […]
Coming Soon to a City or Town Near You
– Coming Soon to a City or Town Near You …Do Paris or San Bernardino Ring a Bell? – We’re talking about the threat of homegrown jihadists. My fourth novel, Existential Threats, published last August before those two horrifying and tragic events occurred illustrates the challenges faced by Biff Roberts, a CIA operative tasked to […]
North Korea’s Hydrogen Ambitions
– North Korea and Hydrogen Bombs – North Korea has been in the news recently claiming to have tested a hydrogen bomb. That’s a complex fusion reaction triggered by an atomic device, a fission reaction. If the claim is true, that’s a quantum leap in nuclear technology that adds a credible threat to its neighbors […]