As I watch the news, there is a constant parade of threats to our country- Some real, some imagined, or hyped, but others represent truly existential dangers to the homeland. And some are threats that I have dramatized in my novels over the past ten years. Maybe coincidence, maybe prescience. Published in the mystery, thriller, […]
Contemporary Threats
The common theme of my five published novels is terrorism and counter-terrorism, a timely and disturbing subject in today’s world. The threats I cover take many forms- bioterrorism in Cabo Caper, cyberwarfare in Killing Time, targeted assassinations in Retribution, radical Islamic Jihadists in Existential Threats, and the threat of a North Korean nuclear EMP (Electromagnetic […]
Hard Choices
The central theme in my five published novels is terrorism. The series features the counterterrorism (CT) efforts of my protagonist, Biff Roberts, a veteran CIA operative now directing Langley’s CT Division. Biff plays hardball meeting the challenges, realizing the world is changing and we face more threats than ever, forcing us to make hard choices […]
Lex Talionis
Lex Talionis Do you know the meaning of Lex Talionis? It is Latin for the “law of retaliation.” You may also know it by its common usage or interpretation as , “An eye for an eye” in the Torah. The origin of this term is explored in my third novel, Retribution. Background : Biff Roberts, […]
Can You Cheat a Lie Detector Test?
Is it possible to cheat a polygraph, also known as a lie detector, test ? It’s possible, but it requires intensive training to develop the skill. I touch on this in my latest novel, The Carrington Prophecy. Background: The South Korean Security, N.I.S, an agency patterned after the CIA, has captured a North Korean spy […]
WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction)
Most people think only of nuclear devices or bombs, when Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) are mentioned. But there are other devastating weapons of mass destruction. For example, Anthrax is a bio-terrorism agent and is addressed in my first novel, Cabo Caper. Anthrax is highly contagious and will kill anyone exposed in a very short […]