Vietnam War Memories & An Excerpt from RECALL Half our population was not born in the 1960’s so they have no first-hand knowledge of the Vietnam War. They base their knowledge on war stories, movies, and a collection of myths – Not a reliable fact-based perspective, don’t be deluded. Many of those who were alive […]
Political Interference in the Vietnam War
Vietnam War -Political Interference My recently published fictional historical novel, RECALL, documents countless episodes of political interference in military affairs. To name a couple, DC civilian micromanagement imposing limiting rules of engagement and the pursuit of ill-advised strategies evolving from political considerations, not military deliberations in many cases. The conduct of the war was often […]
Vietnam: The Cultural Journey that Followed
The Cultural Journey Post-Vietnam “War is a weapon, use it wisely,” historian Bernard Lewis cautioned a decade ago in reference to the Middle East conflicts. “In 1940 we knew who we were, we knew who the enemy was, we knew the dangers and the issues… It is different today.We don’t know who we are, we […]
The Summer of 1968- The Vietnam War and World Events Fifty Years Ago
– 50 Years Ago – The Summer of 1968 and The Vietnam War – When it comes to international turmoil and American history, 1968 is without parallel. There was a lot more going on than the Vietnam War at that time. Most of the major events occurred against the backdrop of the Cold War tensions. […]
Unsung Heroes of the Vietnam War – The Bird Dogs
– Vietnam War Bird Dogs – That unusual title should kindle some interest if you are not acquainted with this critical aspect of the Vietnam War. “Bird Dog” was the nickname given to the Cessna L-19 / 0-1A fixed wing aircraft employed for spotter plane duty from 1962 to 1975 in South Vietnam. That appropriate […]
More Vietnam Myths – Fate of the Draftees
Like many issues regarding the Vietnam Era (1964-1975) misconceptions persist. Some are actually perpetuated to promote an antiwar agenda or ideology. Others represent just plain myths – Hyperbole to support a viewpoint. A case in point, the draftee issue became a major factor in LBJ’s failure to run for reelection in 1968 and contributed to […]