The common theme of my five published novels is terrorism and counter-terrorism, a timely and disturbing subject in today’s world.
The threats I cover take many forms- bioterrorism in Cabo Caper, cyberwarfare in Killing Time, targeted assassinations in Retribution, radical Islamic Jihadists in Existential Threats, and the threat of a North Korean nuclear EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) threat in The Carrington Prophecy.
Facing these imminent threats in all of these novels is the task of my protagonist, Biff Roberts, Director of Counterterrorism for the CIA plus a cast of characters driving the action in the far corners of the world. The action thriller series takes the readers to places they have never been to to vicariously experience the life of covert operatives in shadow wars thwarting the enemies of the free world.
I seek to give a glimpse into allied intelligence agencies engaging in clandestine activities and to introduce cutting-edge technology the characters use to interdict the enemy’s nefarious intentions.
My stories track real-life, contemporary events and have in some cases foreshadowed them. For example, homegrown Jihadists were featured in Existential Threats almost a year before the devastating attacks in Paris, San Bernardino, and Orlando. A North Korean missle mysteriously explodes on the launch pad in The Carrington Prophecy more than a year before last month’s event.
Geopolitical, military, and intelligence agency events all have a background. The CIA International Thriller Series explores them with characters you’ll come to identify with and will root for to overcome the adversity they face in zero-sum games.
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