As I watch the news, there is a constant parade of threats to our country- Some real, some imagined, or hyped, but others represent truly existential dangers to the homeland. And some are threats that I have dramatized in my novels over the past ten years. Maybe coincidence, maybe prescience. Published in the mystery, thriller, […]
North Korea Ups the Threat- What are our options?
The “Rocket Man,” Kim Jong-un, continues to saber rattle, firing another missile over Japan and making threats. What is the best way to deal with a personality like that? It’s a dicey situation considering the proximity of South Korea and Japan and our troops stationed there. The UN voted to increase sanctions, once again, despite […]
North Korean Deterrents: How good is our ballistic missile defense system?
How Good is Our Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) System? Kim Jong-un continues his saber rattling and threats to the U.S. and the situation is getting tense. The last two tests of North Korean ICBM’s suggest he is actually getting closer to a three-stage ICBM armed with a nuclear warhead that could reach our soil. Launched […]
What are chances North Korea could pull off a nuclear “Pearl Harbor”?
The answer to that question is foremost these days in the minds of our President, his flag officers and security advisors at all levels. Basically, the threat exists, but can Kim Jong-un’s rocket scientists launch an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) capable of reaching America’s soil? How far are they along in accomplishing that maniacal goal? […]
Contemporary Threats
The common theme of my five published novels is terrorism and counter-terrorism, a timely and disturbing subject in today’s world. The threats I cover take many forms- bioterrorism in Cabo Caper, cyberwarfare in Killing Time, targeted assassinations in Retribution, radical Islamic Jihadists in Existential Threats, and the threat of a North Korean nuclear EMP (Electromagnetic […]
78 Spy Terms and Spying Jargon
Spy Jargon and Terminology Spy novels often use language unfamiliar to those new to the reading this genre. Some terms are colorful, imaginative, but all have an intended meaning known to those in the field. I use them a lot in my stories to add that certain flavor, to add authenticity, build suspense, and increase […]